Cabin John at Arcosanti - 2018
Dick Pierle & Alvin Blaine - Old Blue Sound
at Arcosanti
Sozo's Coffee House
Cabin John - Glendale 2018 - Double-banjo Reuben's train
and Train 45.
Foxfire in Alpine, AZ- 20 Aug 2016 - Alan, Anni, Howard, Thalia -
Photos by Rusty Childress, "The Main Event Imaging"
Goldfield Ghost Town, 1 Feb 2014 - Photo by Joelle Tambe-Ebot.
January 26, 2014, Casa Grande
January 26, 2014, Casa Grande
Talebu Coffee, 31 May 2013
Bella Vista August 24, 2014
Bella Vista June 14, 2015
Bubba Crockett - Davy Crockett's inept cousin who
"killed him a Skunk when he was 43" - (and even that
was an accident...)
Alan and Maria
Previous Band Versions:
Alan, Howard, Anni, Thalia - Photo by Justin Mizer
Jon Young still joins Cabin John as he can, but we have welcomed Alan Moreno to the lead guitar position...
Jon, Howard, Anni, Thalia